Energy storage

Energy supply is one of the greatest challenges in the transition to clean energy. While some two thirds of the planet already live in places where solar, wind and other renewables are the cheapest power sources, these resources create a challenge of intermittency. That is, the sun is not always shining and the wind is not always blowing exactly where and when we need them.

Energy storage that allows us to save and use clean energy as needed will therefore be a critical element on the pathway to decarbonization. This will require a range of new solutions, many of which will be reliant on heat exchangers as core components. Thanks to nearly 90 years of development in thermal technologies, Alfa Laval has a broad portfolio of heat exchangers designed with advanced features to meet the challenges associated with energy storage systems. Keep reading to learn how we can support you.


Alfa Laval’s solutions for energy storage

With our decades of experience and world-leading portfolio of plate heat exchangers, Alfa Laval offers unique heat transfer solutions for energy storage.

We know that heat exchangers are core components of efficient and low-cost energy storage systems, in particular for thermal and mechanical solutions. Our proven and reliable plate heat exchangers are able to handle cyclical duties with reversible flows, across a wide range of different temperatures and pressures, as well as energy storage medias.

Today our heat exchanger technologies can already be found playing a critical role in innovative new energy storage projects, such as thermal storage, compressed air energy storage (CAES), liquid air energy storage (LAES), pumped heat energy storage (PHES), molten salt energy storage and many more.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your efforts to accelerate the transition to renewables through energy storage.

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Long-duration energy storage for renewables

An Australian technology company with world-leading breakthroughs in solar power technology and renewable energy storage, RayGen is able to reduce the cost of energy storage, generating electricity during the night at half the cost of lithium-ion batteries. Discover how Alfa Laval’s innovative plate heat exchangers optimise energy efficiency and system design of the ORC system.


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A game changer for renewables

In 2019, Alfa Laval become an investor and partner to Malta Inc., developing a new solution with the potential to revolutionize grid-scale energy storage. The start-up is a spinoff of Google’s X incubator, with backers that include the likes of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. Featuring specially designed heat exchangers from Alfa Laval, their system can store energy from renewable sources such as sun and wind for hours or days, waiting until a time of high demand and then releasing the power back to grid. Watch this video to learn how it works, or click below to read the whole story!

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Our solutions

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Alfa Laval printed circuit heat exchangers

Alfa Laval printed circuit heat exchangers offer more than just high pressure and extreme temperature resistance – from cryogenic service to 800°C. They combine this with exceptionally high heat transfer efficiency, in a unit that’s up to 85 % smaller and lighter than comparable shell-and-tube exchangers. The unique design allows scalability of the heat exchanger from a few kilograms to many tonnes. Additionally, the micro-channels on each flow circuit can be designed to allow very high degrees of asymmetry between the fluid circuits, and each unit is fully customizable according to your exact needs.

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Alfa Laval Packinox

A Packinox heat exchanger is ideal for large heat recovery duties in processes with high temperatures. Its outstanding thermal performance, superior hydraulic efficiency and low CAPEX allow you to enhance energy efficiency, increase profitability and improve sustainability. The Packinox design enables greater heat recovery than traditional solutions, resulting in optimized round-trip efficiency, faster ROI and a lower environmental impact.

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Alfa Laval semi-welded plate heat exchangers

Semi-welded plate heat exchangers are built for demanding duties. Alfa Laval’s unique gasket sealing system enables enhanced, long-term performance in applications with high pressures and temperatures. Safe and reliable sealing, no risk of cross-contamination and a compact design makes these heat exchangers an ideal choice for a variety of energy storage solutions.

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Alfa Laval Wet Surface Air Coolers

Alfa Laval Niagara Wet Surface Air Coolers (WSAC®) are custom built, closed-loop cooling and condensing systems that combine high performance, low operating costs, compact size and reliable operation. They provide an attractive option for the final condensing application by pushing lower condensing temperatures and therefore maximising energy output.


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