CIP Station
The CIP station is a modularised skid-mounted plug-in unit for automated cleaning-in-place of brewery process installations, including process piping, tanks, filling machines and heat exchangers, among other systems. The cleaning regime is fully adjustable to that required by the target system in terms of cleaning time, temperature, pressure and flow.
Ensure highest hygiene and safety standards
- Preserve beer quality
- Reduce product losses
- Cost savings
- Reduce environmental impact
Alfa Laval CIP Station
The Alfa Laval CIP station is a modularised skid mounted plug-in unit for automated Cleaning-in-Place of brewery process installations such as piping systems, tanks, filling machines, heat exchangers.

How it works
The cleaning solution is pumped through the specially designed plate heat exchanger, where it is heated to required temperature. It is then routed to the object to be cleaned and back to the circulation tank included in the CIP module.
After each cleaning phase the cleaning solution is routed to drain or back to the detergent tank for later re-use. A normal sequence could include initial water rinse, lye cleaning, intermediate water rinse, acid cleaning and final water rinse followed by chemical or hot water disinfection. During the whole cleaning cycle the temperature, flow and detergent concentration in the CIP return line are automatically controlled.
The system furthermore includes automatic make-up of cleaning solutions. This preparation program can be started by the operator or automatically at a specified time or after a selected number of cleaning sequences.
Advantages for Brewers:
- Modular design with standard component
- Plug & Play modules for utilities save time installing and commissioning
- Pre-erected and pre-tested design without surprises
- Easy inspection and maintenance