Ballast water treatment

Ballast water treatment is all about protecting the environment. Acquiring a ballast water treatment system is all about your needs: being able to sail smoothly, with timely deliveries and fulfilled obligations towards your customers.

Ballast water treatment

Total solutions in ballast water treatment

  • Type approved by IMO and compliant with Australian legislation
  • Superior performance in all waters – fresh, brackish and marine
  • Saves space in new vessels and simplifies retrofits in legacy fleets

Ballast water treatment FAQs

Ballast water treatment has been discussed for many years. Now that the IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention has been ratified, the issue has become urgent worldwide. Read our Frequently Asked Questions to see what to consider when choosing a ballast water treatment system and contact Alfa Laval Australia to speak to one of our local ballast water experts.


What is ballast water treatment compliance?

Compliance means fulfilling a requirement or a set of rules – in this case, the regulations that govern ballast water management (BWM).

The main strategy for ballast water management is ballast water treatment (BWT), which neutralizes organisms in the water. However, ballast water management is a larger concept that includes alternative (but less practical) measures like ballast water exchange.

Australian legislators are following the International Maritime Organization (IMO) standards to rule out unfiltered ballast water discharge in Australian waters.

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What is IMO revised G8?

The IMO G8 guidelines define the type approval process for ballast water treatment systems under IMO legislation. Originally defined in 2005, they underwent a critical revision in 2016. That revision enters into force on 28 October 2020.

In short, they make the vast majority of the world’s ports inaccessible to new ballast water treatment systems installed without meeting IMO revised G8 requirements. Make sure you understand the implications.

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What is holding time in ballast water treatment?

Holding time (sometimes called hold time) is the amount of time that ballast water must be kept on board after treatment. It’s how long you have to wait between treatment and deballasting. If timing is critical to your operations, it can make a big difference.

Both chemical and UV systems can be more or less effective. Chemical systems may produce more or less TRO. Some UV systems use their UV light better than others. So the required holding time also varies from system to system. Be sure to check holding times with suppliers.

View fact sheet


How to choose the right ballast water treatment system

Cold and lack of salt mean problems for all electrochlorination (EC) systems. Unclear water affects UV treatment, but some systems handle it far better than others. For an easy way to match performance with the conditions where you sail.

Try the free Compliance Navigator tool

IMO revised G8 – in force now

As of 28 October 2020, more stringent IMO rules apply to the type approval of ballast water treatment systems. In short, the IMO revised G8 guidelines put most ports off limits to new systems installed without an updated certificate. The push for the revised G8 guidelines was driven partly by customer organizations like the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). The intent was to make sure that investments in ballast water treatment will meet discharge requirements – instead of merely adding hardware. The IMO legislation, which applies in over 90% of world ports. The deadline to comply with the IMO revised G8 guidelines has come. For vessels with international trade, the rules have important consequences when it comes to new ballast water treatment systems.

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Select for the long term

Your ballast water treatment system should last – and provide lasting resale value.

Choose reliability

Make sure your ballast water treatment system lasts as long as your vessel by choosing key components that won't corrode in seawater conditions.

A UV reactor is a pressure vessel that may need replacing in five years if built with a steel grade like 316L. PureBallast 3 reactors are built with super-austenitic stainless steel, expected to last 20 years or more.

Where the vessel can sail will affect potential buyers, as well as what they are willing to pay. They also value equipment from a recognized supplier who they can count on for long-term support worldwide.

Find your system

Your choice of ballast water treatment system needs to be a perfect match for your vessel, ensuring smooth operations and unfailing compliance with environmental legislation. With Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 you can be certain of both.

Choosing a ballast water treatment system

Download our 11-point selection guide that will help you choose the system that’s best for you.



Read success stories about some of the more than PureBallast systems we have delivered so far.


Completely secure ballast water treatment

Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 is the dependable choice. A reliable product backed up by a large global organization. We have served the marine industry for a century and have been involved in ballast water treatment since it was first proposed.

Orders received

We have received PureBallast orders for different vessel types from all over the world.

Vessel types served

    • Anchor handling tugs
    • Bulk carriers
    • Car carriers
    • Coastal ferries
    • Container feeders
    • Container ships
    • Cruise ships
    • Drill ships
    • General cargo vessels
    • LNG carriers
    • LPG carriers
    • Naval vessels
    • Offshore supply vessels
    • Research vessels
    • River liners
    • RoRo vessels
    • Shuttle tankers
    • Supply vessels
    • Tankers

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Retrofit PureBallast 3

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Turn to us for ballast water treatment

Ready to take the next step towards an Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 system? We would love to provide more information or a quote for your specific vessel.

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