Concentrated solar power generation

Generating power that is truly renewable, clean, and dispatchable bodes well for the future. Concentrated solar power (CSP) coupled with thermal storage can help secure future energy supplies as well as deliver fresh water and heat for other uses, such as large-scale food production. Alfa Laval offers state-of-the-art technologies that are key to the supply of solar power, freshwater and heat.

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The solar future is looking bright

The sun is the Earth’s largest source of energy, yet it is still largely untapped for power production. International efforts are now underway for industrial-scale harvesting of solar energy. Several CSP plants, particularly in Spain, have been commissioned and have proven the viability of solar thermal power plants.

Installed at many of these CSP plants are Alfa Laval equipment, modules and systems, which contribute to generating solar thermal electricity. 

Alfa Laval solutions for CSP plants

Thermal storage:

  • Ultra compact oil/salt heat exchangers

Steam processes:

  • Turbine condensers
  • Feedwater pre-heaters

Auxiliary cooling:

  • Wet surface air coolers using dirty water streams, such as blow down from reverse osmosis, cooling tower or steam loop, and wastewater from local municipalities
  • Hybrid cooling solutions when coupled to Alfa Laval Dry Coolers

Solar desalination:

Power block utilities:

  • Oil coolers, oil treatment skids, auxiliary boilers

Wastewater treatment:

  • Decanters and heat exchangers


  • Most advanced thermal storage solutions on the market
  • From water-use minimization to water making
  • Comprehensive water management for arid areas
  • Remote towns can get their power and their water from a local CSP plant

Process overview - molten salt tower CSP

Process overview - hot oil trough CSP

  1. Steam-salt heat exchanger for steam tower thermal storage
  2. Steam generator for molten salt tower
  3. Water makers  for boilers and for cleaning mirrors
  4. Power block
  1. Oil-salt heat exchanger for parabolic thermal storage
  2. Ullage system on thermal oil circuit
  3. Condenser cooling & desalination
  4. Power block 


Customer success

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